The Latest in Open GEE

Oct 23 2018

Git version update to support multibranch builds

By Open GEE Development Team

Hello Everyone!

The Open GEE Development Team would like to make a special announcement about the version of Git required to build the project. As of release Open GEE 5.2.4, we will require Git version 1.8.4 or later.

Open GEE uses Git tags to mark the commit corresponding to each release. The tags are added at the end of a release cycle. When you build Open GEE, the version you are currently building is calclated to be one version beyond the latest tag in the Git history. The git describe command is used to determine the latest tag information.

We found that the git describe command was not reliably returning the expected tag when working on different branches. To calculate the version correctly on both a release branch and the master branch, the --first-parent parameter of the git describe command is required.

The --first-parent parameter was introduced in Git version 1.8.4. The requirement for the Open GEE project has been Git 1.7.1+. Builds are possible with Git versions 1.7.1 thru 1.8.3, but the version will sometimes be calculated incorrectly.

Starting today, a warning will be output when building Open GEE with versions of Git less than 1.8.4. It is strongly encouraged but not yet required to use Git 1.8.4+.

Would you like to be part of the project? Please join us on Slack and visit the project’s Github repository. We would love to see you there!

–Open GEE Development Team