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Troubleshoot search services

Once you have added search services to a published database, you can query the searchable data from either Google Earth EC or from a browser using Google Maps. Querying search data involves sending a search request from the client and returning the search service results to the query back to the client. If a problem occurs with your query, you can most likely find out by checking the log files for GEE Server.

Did GEE Server receive a search request from the client?

Follow these steps to determine if GEE Server received the search request from the client:

  1. Perform a search from the client.
  2. Check the log file /opt/google/gehttpd/logs/access_log for the following type of GET request: - - [09/Jul/2014:16:13:28 -0700] "GET /3d/POISearch?q=San%20Francisco&flyToFirstElement;=true&displayKeys;=location&DbId;=20&PoiFederated;=1&callback;=handleSearchResults HTTP/1.1" 200 541334

Did the search service return results to the query?

To establish whether the search service returns results successfully to the client's query, you can change the logger_ge_search level to DEBUG.

  1. In the log file, /opt/google/gehttpd/conf/ge_logging.conf, change:




  2. Restart GEE Server:

    sudo /etc/init.d/geserver restart

  3. Perform a search from the client.
  4. Check /opt/google/gehttpd/logs/gesearch.out for the following type of entries:

    [2014-07-09 16:13:38,162] DEBUG [MainThread] ( - Params: ['%San Francisco%', '%San Francisco%', '%San Francisco%']
    [2014-07-09 16:13:38,479] DEBUG [MainThread] ( - Parsed search tokens: San Francisco
    [2014-07-09 16:13:38,479] DEBUG [MainThread] ( - Querying the database gepoi, at port 5432, as user geuser on hostname
    [2014-07-09 16:13:38,479] DEBUG [MainThread] ( - Query: SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom) AS the_geom, "posn" FROM gepoi_9 WHERE ( lower("posn") LIKE %s )
    [2014-07-09 16:13:38,479] DEBUG [MainThread] ( - Params: ['%San Francisco%']
    [2014-07-09 16:13:38,500] DEBUG [MainThread] ( - poi search returned 2516 results
    [2014-07-09 16:13:38,501] DEBUG [MainThread] ( - results: [[{'field_value': '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-70.250012045966002,19.29999635719]}', 'field_name': 'geom', 'is_search_display': True, 'is_searchable': True, 'is_displayable': True}, {'field_value': 'San Francisco de Macoris', 'field_name': 'name', 'is_search_display': True, 'is_searchable': True, 'is_displayable': True}],