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Imagery or terrain gaps

Your map imagery or terrain might display one or more of these issues:

To resolve these issues:

To manually create the mask file:

  1. Locate and record the full path to the resource kip and kmp folders:
    gequery --outfiles resources/imagery/resource_i.kiasset

    You'll need this information for building the automask and importing the mask product.

  2. Locate the path to the mask.tif file created by the automasker:
    gequery --outfiles resources/imagery/resource_i.kiasset/
  3. Navigate to the mask.tif file and rename it to mask.tif.bak.
  4. Create the new mask file:
    gemaskgen --mask --band 1 --fill 0 --feather 0 \ --holesize 100 /path/to/resource_i.kiasset/ \ -o ./mask.tif

    If your source files are MrSID files, you might need to add a mask tolerance value (for example, --tolerance 3).

  5. Navigate to the resource kip and kmp folders, and move the mask.kmp folder to mask.kmp.bak.
  6. Create the new mask.kmp:
    gerasterimport --alphamask /path/to/mask.tif --dataproduct /path/to/raster.kip \ --output ./mask.kmp
  7. Launch the Fusion GUI and preview the image resource.