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Fusion issues

When you install GEE on a server, the software does a query for hostname -f. Each time you build a resource, project, or database on the Fusion server, the initial hostname -f response is added to all the files in each asset’s subdirectory. Changing the hostname or moving assets from one server to another without updating the hostname in all places will make your Fusion system inoperable. To safely change your hostname, follow the instructions below.

To change the hostname for a production system (GEE Server only, no Fusion):

  1. Shut down the geserver daemon at /etc/init.d/geserver stop.
  2. Update the hostname and IP address to the correct entries for the machine.
  3. Edit /opt/google/gehttpd/htdocs/intl/en/tips/tip*.html and update any hardcoded URLs to the new machine URL.
  4. Remove the contents of /gevol/published_dbs/stream_space and /gevol/published_dbs/search_space.
  5. Change directory to /tmp and execute sudo -u gepguser /opt/google/bin/geresetpgdb.
  6. Start the GEE Server: /etc/init.d/geserver start.

To change the hostname for a development system (both Fusion and GEE Server):

  1. Shut down both the gefusion and geserver daemons:
    /etc/init.d/gefusion stop
    /etc/init.d/geserver stop
  2. Update the hostname and IP address to the correct entries for the machines.
  3. If needed, edit the /etc/hosts file to update the IP address and hostname entries for the production machine.
  4. Execute /opt/google/bin/geconfigureassetroot --fixmasterhost.
  5. Back up the following files to /tmp or another archive folder:

    Replace assets with the name of your asset root. For example, /gevol/tutorial.
  6. Edit the /gevol/assets/.userdata/snippets.xml file and update the hardcoded URLs to match the new hostname URL of the production machine.
  7. Edit /opt/google/gehttpd/htdocs/intl/en/tips/tip*.html and update any hardcoded URLs to the new machine URL.
  8. Remove the contents of /gevol/published_dbs/stream_space and /gevol/published_dbs/search_space.
  9. Change directory to /tmp and execute sudo -u gepguser /opt/google/bin/geresetpgdb.
  10. Start the geserver and gefusion services:
    /etc/init.d/geserver start
    /etc/init.d/gefusion start

    You can now change the server associations and publish the databases.

To change the server associations and publish the databases:

  1. Log in to Fusion as a user (not as root) by entering fusion on the command line.
  2. Select Tools > Server Associations Manager.
  3. Edit the default_ge and default_map entries and update the URL to match the hostname of the development machine.
  4. Edit the remaining entries for the production server associations and update the URL to the new production machine URL, then close the Server Associations Manager.
  5. Select Tools > Asset Manager.
  6. Navigate to the Databases folder, right-click 3D database, and select Publish.
  7. From the Publish menu, select default_ge and publish to the local development machine. Repeat for the production machine.
  8. Right-click 2D database and select Publish.
  9. From the Publish menu, select default_map and publish to the local development machine. Repeat for the production machine.

To verify that the databases are published and working:

  1. Connect a web browser to http://production/default_map.
  2. Connect a web browser to http://development/default_map.
  3. Connect Earth Client to http://production.
  4. Connect Earth Client to http://development.

Note: During testing, you can check /opt/google/gehttpd/logs/access_log and error_log to determine if any errors are reported by Apache.