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Inspecting portable files

The geglxinfo command provides different tools to analyze the composition of .glm, .glb, and .glc portable files. For example, you can determine the files included in a portable, extract those files, and test whether the portable file appears to be valid.


geglxinfo [--glx glb_file_path]


To inspect the .glc, .glb, .glm, or .glc files, the geglxinfo tool analyzes the composition and provides valuable information when you need to troubleshoot any issues that may arise when serving your portable files.


Valid file check

$ geglxinfo --glx NaturalView-US.glm --is_gee
IsGee: 1

Get file timestamp

$ geglxinfo --glx tutorial_3d.glc --extract_file earth/info.txt --output /tmp/info.txt
$ cat /tmp/info.txt
Portable Globe
Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2014-01-15 16:03:15 GMT

2014-01-15 08:03:15
Globe description: Simple container for tutorial glb with gray marble backdrop.
2014-01-15 08:03:15
Executing: /opt/google/bin/gecreatemetadbroot --output="/tmp/cutter/glc_20598_1389801795.111116/metadbroot" --layers="/tmp/cutter/glc_20598_1389801795.111116/earth/dbroot_layer_info.txt" --has_base_imagery

2014-01-15 08:03:15
2014-01-15 08:03:15
Executing: /opt/google/bin/geportableglcpacker --layer_info="/tmp/cutter/glc_20598_1389801795.111116/earth/layer_info.txt" --output="/tmp/cutter/glc_20598_1389801795.111116/temp.glc" --make_copy

You can use the timestamp information if you need to determine which version of GEE was used to create your portable globes or map. This information can be useful if you use the new feature in GEE 5.x that lets you cut globes and maps from existing portable files that have been built using GEE 5.x only. See Create portable globes and maps.

If you attempt to cut a portable file that was created using GEE 4.x, the cutting process will fail. However, you can serve portable files created using previous versions.

To determine which version of GEE was used to create a portable file, use geglxinfo or view the timestamp information for served globes or maps via http://localhost:9335/earth/info.txt on a local Portable Server, or http://<server>/<mount_point>/earth/info.txt on Earth Server.

Check CRC

$ geglxinfo --glx NaturalView-US.glm --check_crc

File crc: 0x7e6fbbfc
Calculated crc :0x7e6fbbfc
Good crc!

List files

$ geglxinfo --glx NaturalView-US.glm --list_files
Index has 11 files. 0: earth/earth_local.html offset: 233330751 size: 1731 1: earth/info.txt offset: 233332482 size: 1849 2: earth/polygon.kml offset: 233334331 size: 124947 3: icons/541_l.png offset: 233463282 size: 363 4: icons/773_l.png offset: 233463645 size: 226 5: icons/shield1_l.png offset: 233462733 size: 549 6: mapdata/index offset: 226176927 size: 7153824 7: mapdata/pbundle_0000 offset: 0 size: 226176927 8: maps/map.json offset: 233461561 size: 1172 9: maps/map_v3.html offset: 233459278 size: 2283 10: search_db/gepoi_14 offset: 233463871 size: 250

Number of packets

$ geglxinfo --glx NaturalView-US.glm --number_of_packets
298076 packets

geglxinfo commands


Optional. Checks whether the glx file appears to be a valid globe or map. Returns a value of 1 is globe is valid; 0 if found to have errors. Use this validity check before testing your globe using --crc, especially on larger files, as it will catch almost all integrity issues.

--glx glb_file_path

The path and file name of the portable globe or map that you want to analyze.


Optional. Lists all of the files in the glx.


Optional. Unused.


Optional. Checks the crc of the glx.

--extract_file relative_file_path

Optional. File to be extracted from the glx. Use this option when you want to extract a .glm or .glb layer from one .glc in order to add it to a second .glc file.


Optional. Extract all files from the glx. Use this option when you want to extract .glm or .glb layers from one .glc in order to add them to a second .glc file.


Optional. Returns the number of data packets in the glx.

--extract_packet quadtree_address 

Optional. Extracts a packet at a given quadtree address, for example, 310.


Optional. Extract all packets from a portable file. Can be used with start_idx and end_idx parameters, and the layer_idx parameter if it's a glc.

--packet_type type_string 

Optional. Type of packet to extract: dbroot, qtp, img, ter, or vec.

--packet_channel channel_int 

Optional. Channel of packet to extract.

--output dest_file_path 

Optional. Destination file path where extracted file(s) should be written.

See Settings to learn about globe assembly and disassembly tools in the GEE Server Admin console.