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Select, add, or change Earth EC servers

You can use Google Earth EC to view globes and maps from your own database servers.

Earth EC lets you do any of the following:

Sign in to an Earth EC server

To sign in to a server:

  1. From Google Earth EC, select File > Server Sign In.

    The Select Server window appears. When you start Google Earth EC the first time, Select Server appears automatically.

  2. Enter your server settings as shown in the table below.

Select Server options

Setting Description
Server Select or enter the address for the database server that hosts the globes or maps you want to view. If you don't know the server address, ask your administrator.
Port Select or enter the port for the server. If you don't know the port number, ask your administrator.
Always sign in to this server

Select to skip the Select Server window and automatically sign in to this server whenever you start Earth EC.
To display Select Server again, go to File > Disable Automatic Sign In.

Disable caching

Select this if you want to make sure that you're viewing the latest content from the server or if your cached files become corrupted.
Note: Disabling the cache slows down performance.

Sign out of an Earth EC server

To sign out of a server database, go to File > Server Sign Out.

Add servers to Earth EC

To add a server database, go to File > Add Database.

The Select Server window appears so that you can enter your server settings.

Connect to multiple Earth EC servers at the same time

Whenever you add another server database, Earth EC signs into the new database and stays connected to your current database. You can view data from up to eight server databases at the same time.

Change your Earth EC server

To change your Earth EC server:

  1. Go to File > Server Sign Out.
    Earth EC signs out of your current server.
  2. Go to File > Server Sign In.
  3. Select a server from the list that appears.

Useful resources