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Troubleshoot push/publishing issues 5.x

If you're having problems pushing/publishing a database, follow the troubleshooting steps below to debug the issue.

A note about pushing and publishing databases

The push operation copies all the necessary files associated with a given 2D/3D Fusion database version from the Fusion host to Google Earth Enterprise Server and registers the database. Pushing is performed from Fusion.

The publish operation makes a previously pushed database available for serving at a specified publish point. Publishing is performed on Google Earth Enterprise Server.

WIth disconnected publishing, you can create a database that can be output to portable media, which can then be pushed and published to GEE Server.

Troubleshoot Push Issues

Errors in the push operation may occur when Fusion fails to copy and register the database files to GEE Server. Use the following debugging steps, presented in a logical order, to uncover and solve any push issues. The error you encounter may depend on the push method you use. For example, a local push may fail simply because of a shortage of disk space. A remote push may fail because of an incorrect server association setting.

Push methods

The push method depends on how data is transferred between the GEE Fusion host and GEE Server.

Check your server is running correctly

If your attempts to push a database result in an error message: “No status message returned from request: Unable to contact stream data server,” GEE Server may not be running. Try these steps to determine the state of GEE Server:

  1. Try restarting GEE Server:

    sudo /etc/init.d/geserver restart

  2. Enter the URL of GEE Server in a browser. You should see the Google Earth Enterprise Server splash screen.
  3. Login to the Admin console of GEE Server:
    • Go to, replacing myserver and mydomainname with your server and domain.
    • Sign in with the default credentials:

      Username: geapacheuser

      Password: geeadmin

    To reset the username and password, run the following command, which prompts you to enter a new username and password:

    sudo /opt/google/gehttpd/bin/htpasswd -c
    /opt/google/gehttpd/conf.d/.htpasswd new_user_name

    If you do not know your username and password, contact your system administrator.

  4. Review the HTTP and Postgres processes. They should look something like this:

    # ps -ef | grep http
    root 9220 1 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 /opt/google/gehttpd/bin/gehttpd
    505 14608 9220 0 Mar15 ? 00:00:00 /opt/google/gehttpd/bin/gehttpd
    505 14609 9220 0 Mar15 ? 00:00:00 /opt/google/gehttpd/bin/gehttpd

    # ps -ef | grep post
    gepguser 9206 9195 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: writer process
    gepguser 9207 9195 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats buffer process
    gepguser 9208 9207 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process
    gepguser 10639 9195 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: geuser gesearch idle
    gepguser 10640 9195 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: geuser gesearch idle
    gepguser 10641 9195 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: geuser gepoi idle
    gepguser 10642 9195 0 Mar13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: geuser geplaces idle

    If you have any defunct processes or other unusual entries, stop them or try to find out why they are running. Run /etc/init.d/geserver restart to make sure that the server shuts down and starts up quickly with no error messages. If you still get error messages, take the following steps:

    • Shut down the server: /etc/init.d/geserver stop.
    • Delete the file: rm /var/opt/google/pgsql/data/ (The file may not have been deleted if PostgreSQL services have not been stopped correctly, thereby preventing another instance of GEE Server from starting.)
    • Reboot your GEE server.
    • Re-run the two ps commands and the geserver restart command to make sure that everything is running properly.
  5. Review the wsgi:ge processes, which are GEE Server services that support pushing and publishing. They should look something like this:

    ps -ef | grep 'wsgi:ge'
    65609 7272 3445 0 Aug10 ? 00:00:11 (wsgi:ge_push_serve) -k start
    65609 7273 3445 0 Aug10 ? 00:00:12 (wsgi:ge_publish_serve) -k start
    65609 7274 3445 0 Aug10 ? 00:00:11 (wsgi:ge_publish_aux_serve) -k start

Check your hostnames

Check sure that hostname -f returns the hostname you think it should. Make sure that the hostname -f is consistent between the GEE server, the DNS entry for the GEE server, and any local hosts files. When you install Fusion and GEE Server on your machine, the software queries the hostname of the server. This is used in all asset builds on Fusion. You can see what Fusion has registered as your hostname by looking at the host entry in the volumes.xml file in /ASSET_ROOT/.config/volumes.xml. Do not edit this file by hand.

To correct the hostname for all assets on your server, run geconfigureassetroot --fixmasterhost.

Check your GEE Server with geserveradmin

From the Fusion server, list the virtual servers on the GEE server and show the databases that have been pushed:

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --listvhs

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --listdbs

Show the databases that are currently published:

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --publisheddbs

These commands should all work without error.

Check your server associations

Open the Server Associations Manager tool from Fusion. Make sure that the server associations are correct. Open the server association that you are trying to push to. There should be no error messages when you open it.

Verify which user account you are pushing with

All pushes from the Fusion system should be performed by a non-root user account. A basic user account has sufficient privileges to push databases locally on the Fusion system or remotely to the GEE Server system. Using the root account for pushes can introduce file-level permission problems (see next topic).

Verify the umask settings are 0022

Temporary files are written into the /tmp folder of the Fusion system during a publish, which inherit permission settings of the user account used to publish (geuser, root, etc). These files are then read by the GEE Server user accounts (geapacheuser), which belong to the gegroup user group. Publish failures can happen if the gegroup accounts cannot read the files in /tmp, such as having very restrictive umask settings such as 0077 for all user accounts, or in the case of publishing while logged in as root. To check the unmask settings for your GEE Server accounts, type umask on the command line while logged into the Fusion system.

Check your disk space

If the GEE Server runs out of disk space, the push will fail. Run df -h to see if you have space left on the server. If you are out of space, use geserveradmin to delete some of the old databases that have been pushed to the server and then run garbagecollect to clean up the old data.

Garbage collection deletes unused data from database versions deleted with geserveradmin. It is not the same as deleting a database version in its entirety. If a database version is deleted directly from the file system, it usually breaks all subsequent versions of the database.

You can use the geserveradmin command on the Fusion server to manage both locally pushed and remotely pushed databases. The geserveradmin command includes a --stream_server_url option that directs it to the server IP address or URL where the function should be run. If you omit this option, the geserveradmin command defaults to the local machine.

The commands below show how to use geserveradmin to clean up unused data from the server.

Assuming that is the Fusion system and is the GEE Server system, the commands on the remote server ( are:

  1. To list all pushed databases, optionally using --portable to specify portable databases only:

    geserveradmin --stream_server_url --listdbs [--portable]

  2. To list published databases, optionally using --portable to specify portable databases only:

    geserveradmin --stream_server_url --publisheddbs [--portable]

  3. To delete specific database versions:

    geserveradmin --stream_server_url --deletedb /path/to/mydatabase.kdatabase/verZYX/gedb

  4. To perform garbage collecting for deleted databases (stream): geserveradmin --stream_server_url --garbagecollect

Troubleshoot Publishing Issues

Errors in the publish operation may occur when GEE Server cannot publish to the specified publish point.

Delete your broken publish and try again

If you have had a successful publish previously, then you should already have at least one good copy of the database pushed to the GEE Server. If a recent publish keeps failing, you can remove the recent broken publish and try again.

Show the pushed and published databases, adding the optional --portable to specify portable databases only:

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --listdbs [--portable]

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --publisheddbs [--portable]

Use geserveradmin to publish one of your older database versions, then use geserveradmin to delete the recent, broken publish. Clean up the garbage, then try the publish again.

For example, if version 2 was working but version 4 is broken, re-try pushing version 4 of the database:

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --deletedb /gevol/assets/Databases/GoogleEarth.kdatabase/gedb.kda/ver004/gedb

geserveradmin --garbagecollect --server_type stream

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --adddb /gevol/assets/Databases/GoogleEarth.kdatabase/gedb.kda/ver004/gedb

geserveradmin --stream_server_url --pushdb /gevol/assets/Databases/GoogleEarth.kdatabase/gedb.kda/ver004/gedb

Push and publish databases


Disconnected publishing issues

If you publish a disconnected database and it fails when you attempt to push the database, it may be that gedisconnectedsend --sendpath created folders with user/group permissions only, preventing the file from being read by geapacheuser:gegroup, which is used by geserveradmin --pushdb.

Try resetting the permissions on the folders created by gedisconnectedsend --sendpath and try the --pushdb again.

Check your log files

If you're having push or publishing issues, there are several log files you can review for errors.

Log file Error logging reported
/opt/google/gehttpd/logs/error_log Log file containing GEE Server publishing errors and authentication notices.
/opt/google/gehttpd/logs/access_log Log file containing HTTP GET requests for GEE Server.
/opt/google/gehttpd/logs/gestream_publisher.out /opt/google/gehttpd/logs/gesearch_publisher.out Log files containing detailed GEE Server publishing errors.
/var/opt/google/pgsql/logs/pg.log Log file containing postgres processing information for GEE Server. Note that “root” privileges are required to open this log file: use sudo su.
/home_dir_of_user/.fusion/ Log file containing information about push attempts from Fusion.