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Verifying and troubleshooting

Verifying That the System Manager Is Running

Because a properly running system manager is critical to using Google Earth Enterprise Fusion, as well as for converting your source data to Google Earth Enterprise Fusion assets, verify that the system manager is running after the initial installation of Google Earth Enterprise Fusion and whenever you encounter problems building assets.

To verify that the system manager is running, enter the following command at a shell prompt:


A list of running processes appears. Two processes appear on the list:

Troubleshooting a Failed System Manager

If the Google Earth Enterprise Fusion system manager fails to run, you can try stopping and restarting the it, which resolves most minor problems.

Restarting the system manager

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Stop the system manager:

    /etc/init.d/gefusion stop
  3. Start the system manager:

    /etc/init.d/gefusion start

If you are still having problems starting the system manager after stopping and restarting the system manager, you can view the log file for the system manager to see what errors have been reported. The log file is located in:


Any errors are listed after the Started notice, which appears in the log for each time you started the system manager.

Note: If you see a Connection Refused message when running the getop command, but do not see any error messages in the log file, ensure that the log directory is writable by Google Earth Enterprise Fusion users.

Likewise, if Google Earth Enterprise Server fails to run, you can try stopping and restarting it, which resolves most problems.

Restarting the Server

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Stop and restart the server.

    /etc/init.d/geserver restart