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Import pre-processed data

You can import pre-processed data into Fusion. The data comes in folders that have Fusion-specific extension names. For example, raster data is inside a pair of Imagery and Terrain folders that have the same filename with different extensions. Vector data is in a single folder with a .kvp extension. There is a diferent Fusion import command or command option for each extension. The extensions and their import commands are described below:

File Extension Data Type Import Command
.kip Imagery genewimageryresource
.ktp Terrain genewterrainresource
.kvp Vector genewvectorresource
.kmp Mask --havemask command option
Use the --nomask option to import files without a mask.

To import pre-processed data to Fusion:

  1. Copy the data to an appropriate directory on your Fusion machine. For example, for imagery: /gevol/src/imagery/...
  2. Verify that read and execute permissions are set on the folder and subfiles so that the Fusion user (gefusionuser by default) can access and read the files.
  3. Open a terminal window on your processing machine, then change directory to your asset root:
    cd /gevol/assets
  4. Use the appropriate command for the type of data you have: imagery, terrain, or vector. Your command must contain either the --havemask or --nomask option. To import imagery that includes pre-processed mask files, use -havemask. If your raster data doesn't have a mask, use -nomask.
    For example, the NASA Blue Marble imagery doesn't have a mask. If you import it without using -nomask, it displays a black line and circular gaps at each pole because the map edges are masked and the center of the earth is exposed.

    Commands are in the format:

    [commandname] [options] [--meta <key>=<value>]... -o <assetname> { --filelist <file> | <sourcefile> ...}

    For all genew{imagery,terrain,vector}resource tools, the output path (-o path) must be relative to the asset root directory.

    You can specify source filenames on the command line or in a filelist. To view supported command options, enter [commandname] --help | -?

    File Type Command Example
    .kip (Imagery) genewimageryresource --provider <PROVIDER_KEY> --havemask -o \path/to/resource/directory/resourcename \

    To add files named SanFrancisco.kip and SanFrancisco.kmp to the /gevol/assets/imagery/noam/usa/ca/SanFrancisco directory:
    genewimageryresource --havemask -o \
    imagery/noam/usa/ca/SanFrancisco \

    .ktp (Terrain) genewterrainresource --provider <PROVIDER_KEY> --havemask -o \
    path/to/resource/directory/resourcename \
    To add files named GTOPO30.ktp and GTOPO30.kmp to the /gevol/assets/terrain/world/ directory:
    genewterrainresource --havemask -o \
    terrain/world/GTOPO30 \
    .kvp (Vector) genewvectorresource --provider <PROVIDER_KEY> --encoding <ENCODING_SCHEME> -o \
    path/to/resource/directory/resourcename \

    To add a file named income.kvp to the /gevol/assets/vector/noam/usa/demographic/ directory:
    genewvectorresource -o \
    vector/noam/usa/demographic/income \

  5. Use the gebuild command to build the asset:
    gebuild path/to/resource/directory/resourcename