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Manage mosaics with virtual rasters

When you have large data sets of imagery or terrain resources, importing them into Fusion can be inefficient and lead to gaps between data tiles. GEE provides a tool, gevirtualraster, which is ideal for grouping blocks (or subsets) of contiguous imagery or terrain and creating a virtual mosaic from them.

In the following example, this SRTM 90meter terrain data set has over 14,476 source files.

Virtual raster mosaic example

This example of a large set of terrain data presents three potential ways to import all large data sets of source files:

The most efficient method of grouping tiles into virtual mosaics is to use gevirtualraster, a command line tool that lets you access the tile groups directly, making your mosaic management very flexible. Gevirtualraster validates that each source file has geographic coordinates and that all files are consistent projections, number of bands, and band formats.


A virtual mosaic or virtual raster file is a simple text file that describes a mosaic of peer raster files with the following elements:

Fusion can display the virtual raster file in Preview for simple visualization.

Fusion can also use the virtual raster file as source.

Note: Gevirtualraster is necessary if you are creating a custom mask file for the imagery or terrain resource as there is a software requirement of one source file for one custom mask file. See Create custom masks.

Example Usage

This end-to-end example uses gevirtualraster to create a new Fusion resource from a set of 800+ contiguous imagery resources (jpeg2000) with consistent pixel size, projection, etc.

  1. List the jpeg2000 files that are to be used for the virtual mosaic:

    $ ls -l *.tif | wc -l


  • Create a virtual raster file, specifiying the fill value to be used for the mosaic (0,0,0 = black), the name of the file to be generated (my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1.khvr), and include all of the .tif files in the current folder as input.

    $ gevirtualraster --fill 0,0,0 --tolerance 3 -o my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1.khvr *.tif

  • Import the virtual raster imagery file into Fusion, specifying the resource type, the virtual raster file to import and the output resource file, $ my_virtualmosaic_20140624.kip.

    gerasterimport --imagery my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1.khvr -o my_virtualmosaic_20140624.kip

  • Create a mask for the imagery resource, specifying band, fill, tolerance and feather values, and the imagery resource file and the name of the mask created.

    $ gemaskgen --mask --band 1 --fill 0 --tolerance 3 --feather 100 my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1.kip my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1-mask.tif

  • Import the generated alpha mask, creating a .kmp folder. Corresponding .kip and .kmp folders should be stored in the same directory.

    $ gerasterimport --alphamask my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1-mask.tif --imagery my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1.kip --output my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1.kmp

  • Define a new imagery resource.

    $ genewimageryresource -o Resources/Imagery/candid_my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1 /gevol/src/candid/my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1/my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1.kip

  • Build the new imagery resource.

    $ gebuild Resources/Imagery/candid_my_virtualmosaic_20140624_1

  • For more information about using virtual mosaics, see Create virtual mosaics.

    Creating a virtual raster from a file list

    You can create a virtual raster of all source files stored in a test file using the gevirtualraster --filelist option:

    $ gevirtualraster --fill 0,0,0 -o /gevol/src/imagery/example/example-mosaic-list.khvr --filelist /gevol/src/imagery/example/source-files.txt

    The file list must include one column of filenames and the full path of each source file must be included in the file list.

    Gevirtualraster command line options

    Various options are available to facilitate the creation of virtual raster files, including specifying the band values to be used as fill, tolerance values for the fill, and a file list of the source imagery or terrain files.

    gevirtualraster [--crop pixelx,pixely,pixelx,pixelh] [--fill a,b,...] [--src override_srs] [--tolerance num] [--validate] -o output.khvr {sourcefile ... | --filelist file}


    gevirtualraster --fill 0,0,0 -o /gevol/src/imagery/usa/XX/new_location/all_files.khvr/gevol/src/imagery/usa/ XX/new_location/*.tif


    Header Header
    --crop pixelx,pixely,pixelx,pixelh

    Optional. Crop the image to the specified pixel extents.

    --fill a,b,...

    Optional. Specify band values to use as fill.

    --src override_srs

    Optional. Specify the SRS.

    --tolerance num

    Optional. Specify the tolerance to be applied to the fill. The default is 0.


    Optional. Validate the inputs and exit.

    -o output.khvr

    Required. Specify the name of the output file, which must have the .khvr extension.


    Required. Specify the path and file name of the source file for the resource. You can reference any network-available source file as this value. (Optional if you specify --filelist file.)

    --filelist file

    Optional. Specify the path and file name of a file that contains a list of source files that you want to include in the resource. You can use this option, list files individually, or use a combination of the two.

    Splitting large virtual raster mosaics

    If you create larger virtual raster mosaics, you may want to split them into smaller subsets. You can use the gesplitkhvr command line tool to automatically split large .khvr mosaics into subsets by specifying the number of rows and columns.

    gesplitkhvr [--rows num] [--cols num] [--overlap num] [--quiet] input.khvr

    The gesplitkhvr command creates two or more source files from a large imagery or terrain source file to reduce the size of each source file to under 80 GB in raw size. (Raw size = number of pixels width * number of pixels height * 3.) This tool produces a grid of image files designated as rows and columns.


    gesplitkhvr --rows 4 --cols 4 --overlap 10 image_file.khvr


    Header Header
    --rows num

    Required. Specify the number of resulting image files across.

    --cols num

    Required. Specify the number of resulting image files high.

    --overlap num

    Optional. Specify the number of pixels of overlap between the resulting images. The default is 300.


    Optional. Do not display the progress messages in the terminal window.


    Required. Specify the name of the input file. It must be a .khvr file.

    Learn more

    Create virtual mosaics

    Segment large imagery files

    Create custom masks