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Provide Google Earth Plug-in for your users to install

The Google Earth Plug-in is deprecated and is no longer available for download. This page is only applicable if you have a copy of the Google Earth Plugin from a previous relationship with Google.

If your users want to connect to GEE Server and view your databases in a browser, they must install the Google Earth Plug-in. They must also use a browser that supports NPAPI, which excludes most modern browsers. If they don’t already have the plug-in, you can provide the installer so that the plug-in downloads when they attempt to connect to GEE Server.

The plug-in installer should be placed in the following directory on GEE Server:


The directory includes install.html, a landing page from which the installers are launched. When a user attempts to connect without the plug-in installed, they are automatically directed here from earth_local.html's default error page. There are two installers, which should be renamed as follows:

These installers do not require administrative rights on the user's machine. They also do not auto-update. If users are unable to download the installer from this location, they should contact their system administrator.

The Google Earth Plug-in installer for Windows requires administrative rights when installing to Internet Explorer.