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Portable Developer Guide


  • Introduction
  • Useful resources
  • Hello Maps!
  • Hello Earth!
  • JSON documents
  • Polygon KML document
  • Introduction

    You can customize or extend GEE Portable, or create applications that work with it.

    To help you get started, Google provides two Hello World! files that you can copy and use as templates. These files (Hello_Maps.html for 2D maps and Hello_Earth.html for 3D globes) call the required scripts, load the globe or map, define the .css file, and so on. The files include JSON and, if needed, KML polygons.

    See the resources linked to below to learn how to edit and extend the Hello_Maps.html and Hello_Earth.html files.

    Useful resources

    Note: Clicking any of these links connects you to a site outside your network. If you’re not sure if your organization allows outside connections, check with your administrator first.

    Hello_Maps.html and Hello_Earth.html are based on the Google Maps API and Google Earth API. More information about these APIs is linked to below. Also included are links to some resources for learning how to parse your JSON data and KML coordinates.

    Hello Maps!

    To write a script to display portable 2D maps, start with hello_maps.html and edit as needed. hello_maps.html is based on the Google Maps API.

    To access the hello_maps.html file:

    1. Launch GEE Portable on localhost:9335.
    2. Enter http://localhost:9335/local/preview/developers/hello_maps.html in your browser.
    3. View the page source. If you're not sure how to view the page source, see your browser's help.

    Alternatively, click the link below:

    Hello Maps! code sample

    Hello Earth!

    To write a script to display portable 3D maps (globes), start with hello_earth.html and edit as needed. The hello_earth.html example is based on the discontinued Google Earth API. Take that into consideration when developing new applications.

    To access the Hello_Earth file:

    1. Launch GME Portable on localhost:9335.
    2. Enter http://localhost:9335/local/preview/developers/hello_earth.html in your browser.
    3. View the page source. If you're not sure how to view the page source, see your browser's help.

    Alternatively, click the link below:

    Hello Earth! code sample

    JSON documents

    Whenever your Portable instance is running, multiple JSON documents are serving. The JSON finds information about all your available globes and maps, as well as your current globe or map. Below are some code snippets that show how the JSON works.

    Globes JSON example

    This code snippet is from the Globes JSON document, which provides information about each available globe.

    Globes JSON: [yourhost]/?cmd=globes_info_json

    [ {  "name":"test.glb",
     "timestamp":"2013-01-01 12:00:00",
     "description":"Some globe description.",
     some other globe

    2D JSON and 3D JSON examples

    The 2D and 3D JSON documents contain layer information as well as information that helps the Search feature categorize the results.

    If you’re currently serving a map, 2D JSON will be serving:

    2D JSON: [yourhost]/query?request=Json&vars=geeServerDefs&is2d=t

    If you’re currently serving a globe, 3D JSON will be serving:

    3D JSON: [yourhost]/query?request=Json&vars=geeServerDefs

    Layer Definition examples

    Below are examples of layer definitions. The first is an imagery layer and the second is a vector layer.

    Imagery layer example

     icon : "icons/1.png",
     id : 1001,
     initialState : true,
     isPng : false,
     label : "Imagery",
     lookAt : "none",
     opacity : 1,
     requestType : "ImageryMaps", // A layer of imagery. version : 8

    Vector data example

     icon : "icons/2.png",
     id : 1002,
     initialState : true,
     isPng : true,
     label : "Tokyo",
     lookAt : "none",
     opacity : 1,
     requestType : "VectorMapsRaster", // Vector data, such as roads, points, and borders. version : 4

    Polygon KML document

    Some globes also serve a KML file that contains polygon coordinates, which define the initial display when the globe or map loads. Polygon KML files also let Google Earth and Google Maps draw a polygon on the globe or map. If a globe doesn’t have any polygon data, the Polygon KML file is empty.

    Polygon KML example

    This is an example of a KML document that contains a set of coordinates that define the bounds of your globe's cut.

    Polygon KML: [your host]/earth/polygon.kml

    <?xml version="1.0" 