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Release notes: GEE 5.1.2

GEE 5.1.2 is an incremental release of GEE 5.1. It contains several bug fixes in Fusion and GEE Server, and updates to third-party libraries.

Supported Platforms

The Google Earth Enterprise 5.1.2 release is supported on 64-bit versions of the following operating systems:

Google Earth Enterprise 5.1.2 is compatible with Google Earth Enterprise Client (EC) version 7.1.5 and Google Earth Plug-in versions 7.0.1 - for Windows and Mac.

Library updates

Library Updated version
Google Maps JS API V3 3.20
Apache httpd 2.2.31
OpenSSL 0.9.8zg
libcurl 7.45

Resolved Issues

Number Description Resolution
19946027 Support additional search option. A new SearchGoogle search tab is available for use with 3D databases which queries Google's location database. Search sugestions are also offered as you type.
20225923, 19871110, 11179114 gesystemmanager crashes when processing very large projects Fixed in Fusion: Optimized management of listeners of CombinedRPAsset versions in asset root. Also reduced the size of asset configuration files.
4431033 Extra data added in imagery projects for imagery that's not visible Fixed in Fusion: skip identical assets with the same bounds.
21126307 Remove option for Disconnected Add-on from GEE Server installer to simplify installation. Fixed in GEE Server Installer: Disconnected Add-on is always installed.
20185775 Add a tool to check the consistency of pushed databases in the publish root. Run
10280645 gemodifyimageryresource incorrectly reports bad images. Fixed in Fusion/gevirtualraster.
16135553 gemaskgen reports 'Process terminated by signal 8'. Fixed in Fusion: check for invalid image sizes; improve logging.
22007798 Missing Apache directives when adding a SSL virtual host with geserveradmin --sslcode> . Fixed in GEE Server: properly configure virtual host when 'vh_url' parameter is not specified.
21852939 Support opacity on 2D map layers. Fixed in GEE Server: 2D Map Viewer includes sliders for controlling layer opacity
19499802 gebuild does not check whether source file has changed. Fixed in Fusion: 'Refresh' functionality added to gemodifyvectorresource, gemodifyimageryresource, and gemodifyterrainresource to detect changes to source files, and update assets if necessary.
4171577 Disconnected delta publishes not possible if previous database versions are cleaned. Fixed in GEE Fusion: generate and store database manifest files within versions of a database.
19962321 Report the number of cached Assets and Asset Versions in getop Fixed in Fusion.
20859774 GLC Assembly fails with missing file: /opt/google/gehttpd/htdocs/cutter/template/earth. Fixed in GEE Server/Cutter.
19995336, 21301170, 21301504 Selecting "Save As" creates duplicate IDs in Fusion. Fixed in Fusion for Map Layer, Raster projects and Vector assets.
18280076 Implement dbroot conversion Fixed in GEE Server: enable support for disconnected publishing of GEE 4.x database to GEE 5.x Server.
6820671 Fatal error reported while registering disconnected database: unifiedindex files not found Fixed in Fusion.
17303394 Implement automatic detection of old glbs for globe cutting or assembly Fixed in GEE Server.
19991743 Add support for database short names when pushing Fixed in GEE Server: e.g. geserveradmin --adddb Databases/BlueMarble.
18917848 Include layer icons in 2D Maps Fixed in GEE Server.
18922625 Coordinate Search triggers Internal Server error (HTTP 500) for bad query strings Fixed in GEE Server: return HTTP 400 for incorrect search requests.
22097637 Support search history in client Fixed in GEE Server: clicking on 'History' in EC shows previous successful search requests.
22318180 Security vulnerabilities in Cutter. Fixed in GEE Server/Cutter: patched gecutter and validated inputs to minimize risk of remote-code execution and SQL-injection when Cutter is enabled.
24132440 Uncaught exception when serving 3D glbs: GET /query?request=Json&var;=geeServerDefs&is2d;=t Fixed in Portable Server.
24103836 Support 'Satellite' mapTypeControl for 2D databases built with Google Basemap Fixed in GEE Server.
23937667 Search bar is not available when viewing 3D portable globe Fixed in Portable Server: POI and Places search available.
23557041 Missing icons in search results Fixed in Portable Server.
22097637 Provide search tabs for 2D Map portable Fixed in GEE Server/Cutter.
23569399 'db_id' parameter missing when POI search is not present in a published database's search services Fixed in GEE Server.
23496088 Exception thrown when Places search returns no results Fixed in Portable Server.
20068112 geserveradmin --addvh --ssl creates a virtual host with an invalid port number Fixed in GEE Server: use the '--vhurl' option for non-default SSL ports. See geserveradmin help for usage & syntax.
22958187 Include Google Geocoder in default search services Fixed in GEE Server: 'SearchGoogle' tab is available as a default search service for both 2D and 3D databases; queries Google's geocoders and requires Internet access (client-side)
23399349 Incorrect handling of POI search queries like "Paris, France" Fixed in GEE Server: search queries like "Paris, France" are parsed as a single search token.
1826725 gepackgen fails with 'Specified data products have different coverage'. Fixed in Fusion: implement Cluster Analyzer for virtual rasters (*.khvr files). It analyzes inset clustering and area ratios to suggest optimal splits of a virtual raster. Check gerasterimport log, and see gevirtualraster for usage and syntax.
22414308 Support snippet for 'View in Google Maps' in EC Fixed in GEE Server: enable 'View in Google Maps' in EC, publishing 3D database with 'google_maps_url' snippet set to ''.
22958590 Places queries can makes server unresponsive for large number of search results Fixed in GEE Server.
22879773 Federated Search returns HTTP 500 error Fixed in GEE Server: if Coordinate search fails, proceed with Places search.
22954617 Viewport for displaying multiple POI search results is incorrectly calculated. Fixed in GEE Server (2D Map Viewer).
21165472 GLC assembly fails to copy final glc to globes directory, for large glc files Fixed in GEE Server/Cutter.
25422176 Fusion fails to push databases with very large POI files Fixed in Fusion: updated internal data structures to support POI files > 4 GB; improved logging in POI parser to report exceptions when ingesting POI data into postgres.
11254639 EC makes calls to when rendering search results Fixed in GEE Server: localized all KML rendering; expose dbroot snippets in 'search_config' group: kml_render_url, kml_search_url, error_page_url.
25430798 SearchGoogle search tab returns Server Error Fixed in GEE Server: updated User-Agent header in search handler.
24407861 Support database pushes over HTTPS/SSL Fixed in Fusion: Server Association Manager includes 'CA certificate' path and 'Insecure SSL connection' checkbox for self-signed certificates.