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Release notes: Open GEE 5.3.8

The Open GEE 5.3.8 release is supported on 64-bit versions of the following operating systems:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7.x, including the most recent security patches
  • CentOS 7.x
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Google Earth Enterprise 5.3.8 is compatible with Google Earth Enterprise Client (EC) version 7.1.5 and above.

To upgrade from Open GEE 5.2.0, do NOT uninstall it. We recommend that you upgrade Open GEE 5.2.0 by simply installing Open GEE 5.3.8. Installing Open GEE 5.3.8 on top of Open GEE 5.2.0 will ensure that your PostgreSQL databases are backed up and upgraded correctly to the new PostgreSQL version used by Open GEE 5.3.8.

Resolved Issues

Number Description Resolution
1946 Cannot create databases from Fusion UI resolved
1927 Segmentation fault can occur when accessing transparent tiles resolved
1925 Fusion cannot process very high level images resolved
1913 Fix user home directory permissions resolved
1912 RPMs can install in the wrong order when they are installed in a single transaction resolved
1910 Slow publish root configuration during upgrades resolved
1905 Improperly formatted icon requests to portables can crash the server resolved
1903 Enable unit tests disabled during Qt4 upgrade resolved
1902 Fix issues with applications using Fusion Maps API when they aren’t hosted on the GEE Server resolved
1891 Update libcurl to latest version (>=7.74) resolved
1885 Upgrade to Apache 2.4.46 resolved
1674 Error importing vector resources with full path right after install resolved

Known Issues

See the GitHub issues page for a list of known issues.