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Release notes: GEE 5.1.0


This document includes the following information about the Google Earth Enterprise 5.1.0 release:

New Features

Google Earth Enterprise 5.1.0 release introduces greater map building flexibility with an additional Plate Carrée map projection and for the first time adds the ability to use flat imagery resources in all three database types. Whether storage space is a key consideration or performance speed when serving your map databases, GEE now offers different options when planning your imagery resources.

Support for Flat Projection (Plate Carrée—EPSG:4326). The Flat Projection map is useful because the imagery layers for Google Earth EC and Google Maps can share the same database.

Add flat imagery to a Mercator map database; when the Mercator map is served on GEE Server, the flat imagery is projected as Mercator on the Fly. Now that your Mercator map databases can share the same imagery projects as a Flat Projection map databases, you can save on storage space and database building time by eliminating the need for Mercator-based imagery.

Configure SSL/HTTPS with command line option. You can now create and register a location-based virtual host using the command line tool geserveradmin --addvh --ssl. See Configure GEE Server for SSL/HTTPS.

Set TRANSPARENT and BGCOLOR parameters when making WMS requests. You can now determine if your map should be transparent, allowing other map layers beneath to be visible, and you can also set the background color of the map. See Make Web Map Service (WMS) requests.

Display All option for center labels for polygon settings in the Map Layer dialog. By default, GEE will display center labels of polygons so that they do not overlap, hiding some labels where necessary. Alternatively, check the Display All option for center labels for polygon settings in the Map Layer dialog to show all labels of polygons, irrespective of whether they overlap. See Creating a Map Database.

Supported Platforms

The Google Earth Enterprise 5.1.0 release is supported on 64-bit versions of the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and 12.04 LTS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 6.0 to 6.5, including the most recent security patches
  • CentOS 6.5

GEE 5.1.0 is compatible with Google Earth Enterprise Client (EC) and Plugin versions 7.0.1 - for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Library Updates

Google Maps JavaScript Maps API V3:

Apache HTTP Server:

Known Issues

Number Description Workaround
17725523 When attempting to install GEE 5.1.0 on RHEL 6 using the GUI installer, the process is likely to fail. To install GEE 5.1.0 on RHEL 6, use the command line installer for Fusion and Server instead.
17532512 When canceling the build process of a map database, the processes that build the map layer project will not be canceled.

When canceling the build process of a map database, you need also manually cancel the build process for the map layer project:

  1. In the Asset Manager dialog, right-click the map database name that you are trying to cancel the build and choose Asset Versions from the context menu. The Properties dialog appears.
  2. Select the version that you want to cancel, right-click and select Version Properties from the context menu to open the Version Properties dialog.
  3. Click the + next to MapDatabase to open the tree of assets in the database. Right-click the MapLayer assets under Project and click Cancel in the context menu. The MapLayerLevels processing is canceled. Close the Version Properties and Properties dialogs to return to the Asset Manager.
17363564 3D databases with terrain projects, including overlay insets, that do not include worldwide coverage, may cause Google Earth 7.1.1 to crash. Include worldwide terrain in all terrain projects, even when building overlays, as worldwide coveragei enables the regions of overlay inset to fill with values from the base terrain.i See Defining and Building Projects and Create terrain overlays.

Resolved Issues

The following resolved issues are incremental fixes and relative to the last official build, GEE 5.0.2.

Number Description Resolution
14254303 When installing Fusion, the GUI installer skips the screen that enables group and user name settings to be created. Fixed. you can accept the default user name: gefusionuser, and group name: gegroup or specify your own custom names.
15290004, 15313028 When attempting to cancel a cut using the Cutter tool, the Cancel button does not properly kill any running task on GEE Server. Fixed. The Cutter cancel process now kills any running task on GEE Server.
16618751 When attempting to specify the --lut option for the gevirtualraster tool, no file is specified. The --lut option has been removed from the gevirtualraster command and supporting documentation as the LUT file type is not being used.
16135553 When the gemaskgen tool terminates in error, there is insufficient error logging. A check for size of source/output raster and logging support for gemaskgen has been improved, providing more information about processes and when they are terminated in error.
17300345 When adding a new imagery resource to an existing imagery project that was originally built with GEE 4.4.1, adding a new imagery resource and rebuilding the imagery project with GEE 5.x fails. Fixed. Existing imagery projects with older imagery resources now rebuild successfully.
16683365 The option to serve 3D databases using WMS has been deprecated. Fixed. WMS now serves 2D flat projection map databases in addition to Mercator projection map databases. See Make Web Map Service (WMS) requests.
16701881 When attempting to set the maximum number of CPUs used for Fusion processing tasks, geselectassetroot –numcpus fails to update the value specified. Fixed. The geselectassetroot –numcpus tool specifies the maximum number of CPUs for Fusion processing.