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Command reference

This article describes all of the command line tools used for system administration in alphabetical order. If you prefer, you can find each tool’s syntax by entering the name of the tool on the command line with the --help option, for example:

geserveradmin --help

This article uses the following typographic conventions:

Italic Information that the user must supply
Bold Text that the user must type exactly as shown
Ellipsis Argument that can be repeated several times in a command
Square brackets [ ] Optional commands or arguments
Curly braces { } with options separated by pipes |; for example: {even | odd} Lists a set of choices from which the user can select only one
Parentheses ( ) Grouped items that function together

When using insetresource in imagery and terrain project commands below, the passed inset resource needs to be a relative path to GEE assets folder.


geaddtoimageryproject [--mercator | --flat] [--historical_imagery | --no_historical_imagery] -o projectname {[--maxlevel level | --maxleveloverride level] insetresource}…


Adds additional resources to an existing imagery project. This tool is capable of building Mercator imagery projects for 2D databases, or Flat (Plate Carrée) imagery projects with or without Historic Imagery Support for 3D databases.



Optional. Uses Mercator map projection for the imagery project.


Default. Uses Flat map (Plate Carrée) projection.


Optional. Uses historical imagery for the project..


Default. Uses normal imagery for the project.


--maxlevel level


Deprecated in release GEE 5.2.5 and higher. Use --maxleveloverride instead.

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the imagery. Uses internal Fusion scale. Deprecated because it does not match the levels specified in the Fusion UI.

--maxleveloverride level

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the imagery. Uses the imagery scale in Fusion. Matches the levels in the Fusion UI.


geaddtoterrainproject [--mercator | --flat] -o projectname {–maxlevel level | --maxleveloverride level]} [--no_terrain_overlay | {--terrain_overlay --start_level level --resource_min_level level }] insetresource} …


Adds additional resources to an existing terrain project. This tool is capable of building Mercator terrain projects for 2D databases or Flat (Plate Carrée) terrain projects.



Optional. Uses Mercator map projection for the terrain project.


Default. Uses Flat map (Plate Carrée) projection.

--maxlevel level


Deprecated in release GEE 5.2.5 and higher. Use --maxleveloverride instead.

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the terrain. Uses internal Fusion scale. Deprecated because it does not match the levels specified in the Fusion UI.

--maxleveloverride level

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the terrain. Uses the terrain scale in Fusion. Matches the levels in the Fusion UI.


Default. make this terrain project a normal project.


Optional. make this terrain project an overlay project.

--start_level level

Optional. the level from which to start building the terrain overlay project. start_level is an even integer between 4 and 24 inclusive.

--resource_min_level level

Optional. the threshold level that separates fill terrain from overlay terrain. resource_min_level is any integer between 4 and 24 inclusive.


geconfigureassetroot {--new --assetroot path [--srcvol path] | --repair | --editvolumes | --listvolumes | --addvolume | --fixmasterhost | --noprompt} [--nochown]


To add volume definitions or edit existing volume definitions.


You must run this command as root. Except for the --listvolumes command, you must stop the fusion service before using this command and then start it again after you are done.


geconfigureassetroot --new --assetroot /gevol/assets
geconfigureassetroot --new --assetroot /gevol/assets --srcvol /data1/src
geconfigureassetroot --repair
geconfigureassetroot --editvolumes


--assetroot path

Path to asset root. This option is mandatory or optional in the geconfigureassetroot commands. If optional, then the current asset root is used if it is not specified.


Optional. Perform the command without prompting the user for any input. This option requires that some commands have arguments specified on the command line.


Optional. Prevents attempts by this command to fix file/directory privileges. You may consider setting this option when you do not want any prvilege settings to change as a result of reconfiguring your asset root.


--new --assetroot path

Optional. Creates a new asset root. Specify the path to the new asset root.


If you omit the path, the system creates a new asset root in /gevol/assets.

--srcvol path

Optional. Specify the path to the source volume.

--repair [--assetroot path]

Optional. Repairs various inconsistencies in the asset root (such as permissions, ownership, missing ID files, etc.). When you run this command, the tool auto-detects the problems that need to be repaired and fixes them.


Do not use this command unless you see a system message instructing you to do so.

--editvolumes [--assetroot path]

Optional. Follow the prompts to add a volume to the selected asset root or, modify the localpath definition for an existing volume, or to add a volume definition.

--listvolumes [--assetroot path]

Optional. List the available (configured) volumes for the selected asset root.

--fixmasterhost [--assetroot path]

Optional. Change the assetroot host entry to match the current host name. (This command corrects cases where a host name is changed after installing and configuring Google Earth Enterprise Fusion.)

--addvolume volume_name:path]

Optional. Change the assetroot host entry to match the current host name. (This command corrects cases where a host name is changed after installing and configuring Google Earth Enterprise Fusion.)


geconfigurepublishroot [--path=*path*] [--allow_symlinks] [--noprompt]


To specify the path where you want to push databases for publishing and serving with the current Google Earth Enterprise Server. Follow the prompts.


You must run this command as root.


geconfigurepublishroot --path /gevol/published_dbs --allow_symlinks



Optional. The path to the publish root. Default value is /gevol/published_dbs.


Optional. Configures the publisher to accept symbolic links. Useful when the publish root is on a separate logical volume from the asset root. Default is no.


Optional. Perform the command without prompting the user for any input. This option requires that some commands have arguments specified on the command line. If the arguments are insufficient or the configuration fails, the program will return -1 (0 is returned on success).


Do not create more than one publish root for a single asset root. That configuration produces unpredictable or undesirable results, including the inability to push at all from that asset root. You cannot push the same database multiple times to different publish roots on the same server.


gecutter {enable | disable}


To enable and disable the Cutter tool. Once you have enabled the Cutter, you launch it from the Settings menu in the GEE Server admin console. You can also launch the Cutter directly from


The default admin security does not apply to the Cutter, so although it provides security if you try to launch the Cutter from the Admin console Settings menu, it does not block direct access to the Cutter via the URL. If you need Cutter security, you must add it separately. See Ports.

See Create Portable Globes and Maps.


gecutter enable

gecutter disable



Deprecated in release GEE 4.4 and higher.

gedisconnectedclean [--dbpath dbpath] [--list assetroot]


To clean a disconnected database from a disconnected mock asset root.


gedisconnectedclean --dbpath /gevol/assets/Databases/MyPOIs.kdatabase


--dbpath dbpath

Required. Specify the database path to clean. This must be a low-level path to a database directory (one of the entries in the assetroot/dbpaths.list file). See --list command option to find databases stored within the mock asset root.

--list assetroot

Optional. List all dbpaths currently in disconnected asset root



Deprecated in release GEE 4.4 and higher. Use geserveradmin –publishdb instead.

gedisconnectedpublish [db_alias] db_name


To publish a database on a disconnected server.


gedisconnectedpublish MyPOIs



Optional. Since db_name is the “low-level” name of the database, db_alias allows you to enter a name that is easier to remember, for example, Databases/SF Highways.kdabase?ver=1.


Required. The full, “low-level” name of the database you want to publish.



Deprecated in version 4.0. gedisconnectedreceive is required only when the disconnected database was sent with an older (pre 4.0) version of Fusion.

gedisconnectedreceive --input dirname


To copy a disconnected database from either detachable media or local storage into the mock asset root.


For detachable media:

gedisconnectedreceive --input /mnt/usbdrive/SFHighways_3dDatabase_v20

For local storage:

gedisconnectedreceive --input


--input dirname

Required. Specify the directory that contains the files to be copied. This is typically the mount point of a hard drive.


The gedisconnectedreceive command will create an asset tree that mirrors the asset tree of the Fusion system that built the database.

The gedisconnectedreceive command will copy data to the mock asset root if the input folder is on a separate volume than the mock asset root. Links to the input folder to the mock asset root will be created if both the input and mock asset root folders on the same volume.


gedisconnectedsend [--extra filename] [--havepath dbpath] [--havepathfile file] --output dirname [--sendpath dbpath] [--sendver dbver]


To gather all the files from a Fusion asset root necessary for a disconnected push/publish, for either publishing new databases or publishing “delta” updates.


gedisconnectedsend --sendver Databases/SFHighways.kdatabase?version=2 --output /gevol/src/disconnected_databases/SFHighways_3dDatabase_v2


--extra filename

Optional. Specify an extra file to package. This is typically used to repair broken files.

--havepath dbpath

Optional. Specify which database path already exists on the target server. This must be a low-level path to a database directory and may be specified more than once.

--havepathfile file

Optional. Specify the file that contains the list of existing database paths (copy of assetroot/dbpaths.list from the remote server).

--output dirname

Required. Specify where to gather the files. The directory must already exist and be empty. This is typically the mount point of a hard drive.

--sendpath dbpath

Optional. Specify which database path to send. This must be a low-level path to a database directory. You can determine this path by entering gequery --outfilesdbver on the source server.

--sendver dbver

Optional. Specify which database version to send. Use the ?version=... syntax. Available database versions may be found with the gequery --versions command.


genewmapdatabase [--mercator | --flat] ] -o databasename [--imagery imagery project] [--map imap project]…


Creates a new 2D map database. If an imagery or map project is specified, it is added to the database. Flat or mercator databases can be created. Mercator databases can use either mercator or flat imagery projects, with mercator projects given priority if there is a naming collision. Flat databases can only use flat imagery projects.



Optional. Uses Mercator map projection.


Default. Uses Flat map (Plate Carrée) projection.

--imagery imagery project

Optional. The imagery project to be added to the database. If the database is mercator, the imagery project can be flat or mercator, with mercator being given priority during naming collisions. If the database is flat, the imagery project must be flat.

--map map project

Optional. The map project to be added to the database.


gemodifyimageryproject [--mercator | --flat] [--historical_imagery | --no_historical_imagery] -o projectname {[--maxlevel level | --maxleveloverride level] insetresource}…


Modifies an existing imagery project.



Optional. Uses Mercator map projection for the imagery project.


Default. Uses Flat map (Plate Carrée) projection.


Optional. Uses historical imagery for the project.


Default. Uses normal imagery for the project.


--maxlevel level


Deprecated in release GEE 5.2.5 and higher. Use --maxleveloverride instead.

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the imagery. Uses internal Fusion scale. Deprecated because it does not match the levels specified in the Fusion UI.

--maxleveloverride level

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the imagery. Uses the imagery scale in Fusion. Matches the levels in the Fusion UI.


gemodifyterrainproject [--mercator | --flat] -o projectname {--maxlevel level | --maxleveloverride level]} [–no_terrain_overlay | {--terrain_overlay --start_level level --resource_min_level level }] insetresource} …


Modifies an existing terrain project.



Optional. Uses Mercator map projection for the terrain project.


Default. Uses Flat map (Plate Carrée) projection.

--maxlevel level


Deprecated in release GEE 5.2.5 and higher. Use --maxleveloverride instead.

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the terrain. Uses internal Fusion scale. Deprecated because it does not match the levels specified in the Fusion UI.

--maxleveloverride level

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the terrain. Uses the terrain scale in Fusion. Matches the levels in the Fusion UI.



Default. make this terrain project a normal project.


Optional. make this terrain project an overlay project.

--start_level level

Optional. the level from which to start building the terrain overlay project. start_level is an even integer between 4 and 24 inclusive.

--resource_min_level level

Optional. the threshold level that separates fill terrain from overlay terrain. resource_min_level is any integer between 4 and 24 inclusive.


genewimageryproject [--mercator | --flat] [--historical_imagery | --no_historical_imagery] -o projectname {[--maxlevel level | --maxleveloverride level] insetresource}…


Creates a new imagery project.



Optional. Uses Mercator map projection for the imagery project.


Default. Uses Flat map (Plate Carrée) projection.


Optional. Uses historical imagery for the project.


Default. Uses normal imagery for the project.


--maxlevel level


Deprecated in release GEE 5.2.5 and higher. Use --maxleveloverride instead.

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the imagery. Uses internal Fusion scale. Deprecated because it not match the levels specified in the Fusion UI.

--maxleveloverride level

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the imagery. Uses the imagery scale in Fusion. Matches the levels in the Fusion UI.


genewterrainproject [--mercator | --flat] -o projectname {--maxlevel level | --maxleveloverride level]} [--no_terrain_overlay | {--terrain_overlay --start_level level --resource_min_level level }] insetresource} …


Creates a new terrain project.



Optional. Uses Mercator map projection for the terrain project.


Default. Uses Flat map (Plate Carrée) projection.

--maxlevel level


Deprecated in release GEE 5.2.5 and higher. Use --maxleveloverride instead.

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the terrain. Uses internal Fusion scale. Deprecated because it does not match the levels specified in the Fusion UI.

--maxleveloverride level

Optional. Sets the maximum level for the terrain. Uses the terrain scale in Fusion. Matches the levels in the Fusion UI.



Default. make this terrain project a normal project.


Optional. make this terrain project an overlay project.

--start_level level

Optional. the level from which to start building the terrain overlay project. start_level is an even integer between 4 and 24 inclusive.

--resource_min_level level

Optional. the threshold level that separates fill terrain from overlay terrain. resource_min_level is any integer between 4 and 24 inclusive.



Deprecated in GEE 4.0.

Use geserveradmin to push and publish databases or use the Fusion GUI and GEE Server.


geselectassetroot [--lock] [--noprompt] [--unlock] ( [--assetroot path [--role {master | slave}] [--numcpus num]] )


To perform a variety of operations related to existing asset roots on the current machine.


You must stop the system manager before using this command and then start it again after you are done. You must also run this command as root.


geselectassetroot --list
geselectassetroot --lock
geselectassetroot --unlock
geselectassetroot --assetroot /gevol/assets
geselectassetroot --assetroot /gevol/assets --role slave --numcpus 3


--assetroot <dir>

Path to the asset root. --assetroot is shown in the commands below as mandatory or optional. If optional, then the current asset root is used if it is not specified.


Do not prompt for more information, returns -1 to indicate an error if command fails or has insufficient arguments.



Optional. Displays a list of the known asset roots on this machine.


Optional. Disables the ability to select a different asset root on this machine.


Optional. Perform the command without prompting the user for any input. This option requires that some commands have arguments specified on the command line.


Optional. Enables the ability to select a different asset root on this machine. (Use only if --lock is enabled.)

--assetroot path

Optional. Specify the path to the asset root for this machine.

--role {master | slave}

Optional. Specify this machine’s role in the asset root (master or slave). The default role is master. This command is available only in combination with --assetroot.

--numcpus num

Optional. Specify the number of CPUs on this machine to use for processing. The default will be the maximum number of CPUs detected on the machine during installation. This command is available only in combination with --assetroot.


geselectpublishroot path


To specify a different publish root. The specified path must exist. If you want to create a publish root, see geconfigurepublishroot.


geselectpublishroot /gevol/published_dbs



Required. Specify the path to the desired publish root.


geserveradmin [options] commands


To configure your Google Earth Enterprise Server. This section breaks down the geserveradmin commands into the following categories:

  • Options
  • Database
  • Virtual host
  • Admin

All of the commands of each type are described below. At least one command is required.


geserveradmin --listdbs
geserveradmin --server_type stream --dbdetails “/gevol/assets/Databases/SF Neighborhoods.kdatabase/gedb.kda/ver001/gedb”
geserveradmin --addvh my_public_vh --vhurl
geserveradmin --deletevh my_public_vh
geserveradmin --deletedb
geserveradmin --garbagecollect

geserveradmin command options

Fusion host name


Optional. Fusion host name. Defaults to the current host name.

Stream server URL

--stream_server_url url

Optional. Specify a stream server other than the default. Defaults to the current server.

--search_server_url url


Deprecated. Always specify a stream server.

Server type

--server_type {stream | search}

Optional. Specify whether the server(s) in question are stream or search server(s). The default is stream. This option is required with the listdbs, dbdetails, and garbagecollect commands.

geserveradmin Database Commands

Each of the database commands is listed below, along with its syntax, description, and options. If the name of the database contains one or more spaces, double quote the entire path. (See the examples above.)

List registered databases

--listdbs [--portable]

Lists all databases registered on the server. If --portable is specified, only portable databases are listed.

Database file list

--dbdetails db_name

Provides a list of all of the files required by the specified database. If omitted, the server type defaults to stream.

List published databases

--publisheddbs [--portable]

Lists the database(s) currently published on the server. If --portable is specified, only portable databases are listed.

List target paths


Lists all the target paths currently serving databases on the server.

Add database

--adddb db_name [--dbalias alias]

Registers a new database with the specified name.

adddb option
--adddb option Required/Optional Description
--dbalias alias Optional Specifies a user-friendly name for the database.

Delete database

--deletedb db_name

Deletes the specified database entry from the server. Does not delete the actual files. (This command is similar to putting files in the trash on a Windows or Mac desktop. See also --garbagecollect.)


If you want to delete a currently published database, you first need to unpublish. (See also --unpublish.) To list the currently published databases, use the --publisheddbs option. (See also --deletevh.)

Push databases

--pushdb db_name… [--force_copy]

Pushes one or more databases to the server. For example, --pushdb db1 --pushdb db2

pushdb option
--pushdb option Required/Optional Description
--force_copy Optional Copies database files while pushing/publishing; otherwise creates a hard/symbolic link when server settings allow. To allow symbolic links, specify using geconfigurepublishroot: sudo /opt/google/bin/geconfigurepublishroot -path=/gevol/published_dbs -allow_symlinks.

Publish database

--publishdb db_name --targetpath target_path [--vhname vh_name] [--setecdefault] [--enable_poisearch [--enable_enhancedsearch]]

Publish the specified database on the specified target path. If the virtual host name is omitted, it publishes to the default virtual host: “public”.

publishdb option
--publishdb option Required/Optional Description
--targetpath target_path Required Specifies the target path on which to publish.
--vhname vh_name Optional Specify the name of the virtual host. If the virtual host name is omitted, it publishes to the default virtual host, “public”.
--setecdefault Optional Publish this database as the default for the Earth Client to connect to if no database or virtual host is specified upon initial connection.
--enable_poisearch Optional Enable Point of Interest search if database contains POI data.
--enable_enhancedsearch Optional If POI search is enabled, enable enhanced search.

Unpublish database

--unpublish target_path

Unpublish database served from specified target path. For example, to unpublih a target path /test:

geserveradmin --unpublish /test

geserveradmin Virtual Host Commands

Each of the virtual host (VH) commands is listed below, along with its syntax, description, and options.


With GEE 5.x, you can now set up a virtual host that provides a secure publishing point for as many databases as you associate with it.


Publishing to virtual hosts other than the default server is supported only in version 4.2 or later of Google Earth EC. If you are using version 4.0 or earlier, only databases that you publish to the default server can be accessed by Google Earth EC.

List virtual hosts


Provides a list of all registered virtual hosts configured for the current machine.

List virtual host information

--vhdetails vh_name

Displays the name, URL, and cache level of the specified virtual host.

Add virtual hosts

--addvh vh_name [--vhurl url] [--vhcachelevel level] [--ssl]

Registers a new virtual host with the specified name. Spaces are not allowed in the virtual host name. For example:

geserveradmin \addvh public_vh --vhurl

addvh options
--addvh option Required/Optional Description
--vhurl url Optional

The vhurl``specifies the location of the virtual host. It must match the corresponding server-side virtual host configuration. If ``vhurl is omitted, it will be set to http://yourserver.domain/vh_name. There are three ways to specify the vhurl:

  • Location-based URL, such as /private_ge. For example, if the entire URL is, you enter /private_ge. Note: Google recommends that you use the _ge and _map naming convention to make it easier to distinguish between virtual host types.
  • Port-based URL, such as: :: The entire URL, including protocol, servername, path (if applicable), and port are required.
  • Name-based URL, such as: ::

For this type of specification, you must modify your DNS appropriately for the virtual host. After you use this command, you must create a | configuration file for the new virtual host.

--vhcachelevel num Optional

Specify a cache level (1, 2, or 3) for the virtual host. The default is 2. This cache is different than the client cache. This option caches only the index nodes at display levels 4, 8, and 12 (not data packets). If you increase this setting, Google Earth Enterprise Fusion caches more of the index in RAM, thereby decreasing server latency at the cost of server RAM. Level 3 uses approximately 1 GB of RAM. Level 2 uses approximately 4 MB of RAM. Level 1 uses approximately 16 KB of RAM. Each additional cache level consumes 256 times the RAM as the previous level and saves one disk read per packet served.

The server makes no checks that the RAM needed for caching does not exceed the total RAM on the machine. For example,i if you have three virtual hosts set to cache at level 3 on a machine that has only 2 GB of RAM, the machine will thrash memory. The default is Level 2, so you should be able to create as many virtual hosts as you want at the default cache level without worrying about running out of RAM.

Typically, users increase only a small number of virtual hosts to cache level 3 on production servers and leave the rest of themi at level 2. On servers that share a machine with Google Earth Enterprise Fusion, do not increase the level to 3. Google Earth Enterprise Fusion needs more RAM than the server does.

--ssl Optional Create a location-based virtual host with SSL configuration with the naming convention _host.location_ssl located in the path /conf.d/virtual_servers/ . For detailed information about ensuring your Apache HTTP server configuration files are set up correctly, see Configure GEE Server for SSL/HTTPS

Delete virtual hosts

--deletevh vh_name

Permanently deletes the specified virtual host.


If you want to delete a virtual host, you must first unpublish all currently published databases associated with it. To list the currently published databases for the virtual host you want to delete, use the --publisheddbs option. (See also --unpublish.)

geserveradmin Admin Commands

Each of the admin commands is listed below, along with its syntax and description.

Delete database files


Permanently deletes the files for databases that have been selected for deletion. Generally, you run this command nightly to remove the files for databases that users have deleted to free up space on the storage device. (This command is similar to emptying the trash on a Windows or Mac operating system. See also --deletedb.)


Deletes only those files that are not used by other databases on that server.

Clean up portable globes and maps registration


Clean up portable globes registration information. The cleanup unregisters/unpublishes portable globes or maps that have been removed from your /globes directory. You should run --portable_cleanup to clean portable registration information when portable files, which are currently published/registered, have been removed from your /globes directory.


The cleanup is not implemented when there are no portable globes or maps in the globes directory: /opt/google/gehttpd/htdocs/cutter/globes.


getop [--delay seconds]


To display a list of what Google Earth Enterprise Fusion is currently working on and whether gesystemmanager and geresourceproviderare currently running.

Enter Ctrl+C to exit and return to the prompt.


getop --delay 30


--delay seconds

Optional. Specify the number of seconds’ delay between refreshes. For example, if you specify 30, getop runs every 30 seconds. If you do not specify the delay, the display updates every five seconds.


geupgradeassetroot --assetroot path [--noprompt]


To upgrade an existing asset root after installing a later version of the software.


You must run this command as root.

You must stop the system manager before using this command and then start it again after you are done.


geupgradeassetroot --assetroot /data1/assets


--assetroot path

Required. Specify the path to the asset root. If omitted, the asset root defaults to /gevol/assets.


Optional. Perform the upgrade without prompting the user for any input. This option requires that some commands have arguments specified on the command line.