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Release notes: GEE 5.1.3


GEE 5.1.3 is an incremental release of GEE 5.1. It contains several bug fixes in Fusion and GEE Server, and updates to third-party libraries.

Supported Platforms

The Google Earth Enterprise 5.1.3 release is supported on 64-bit versions of the following operating systems:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 6.0 to 7.2, including the most recent security patches
  • CentOS 6.0 to 7.2
  • Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04 and 14.04 LTS

Google Earth Enterprise 5.1.3 is compatible with Google Earth Enterprise Client (EC) version 7.1.8 and Google Earth Plug-in versions 7.0.1 - for Windows and Mac.

Library Updates

Library Updated Version
GDAL 2.1.2
Google Maps JS API V3 3.27
Apache httpd 2.2.32
OpenSSL 1.0.2k
freetype 2.6.1

Known Issues

Number Description Workaround
31619151 Missing historical imagery dates in EC timeslider Ensure all assets in the project have valid timestamps and they are unique (in case some of the resources have the same date & time).
35093485 Google basemap fails to load in 2D Mercator databases built with “Use Google Basemap” option Edit /opt/google/gehttpd/htdocs/maps/maps_google.html to include a valid API Key (or client id) to the Maps API JavaScript call. See

Resolved Issues

Number Description Resolution
1644180 Improve granularity of image acquisition date Fixed in Fusion: imagery acquisition date now supports hours, minutes and seconds with the (ISO-8601) format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. This new extended timestamp is backward compatible and enabled in the Fusion UI as well as i command-line tools. Client support is being added to EC’s timeslider; updated version coming soon.
11271105 gekmlgrabber fails to grab KML files referenced with relative URLs Fixed in Cutter.
17300345, 18021264 Missing cache_alpha files reported when building projects with pre-processed source data (KIP) Fixed in Fusion: after upgrading, clean the latest blocked version of the database, clean the latest blocked version of the imagery/terrain project, and then rebuild.
21760202 gesystemmanager consumes large amount of of resources (cpu & memory) when cancelling large projects Fixed in Fusion: optimized cache when building raster projects.
24375793 Use asynchronous communication with server in Portable Viewer Fixed in Portable Server.
24469566 Search bar disappears after clicking ‘go to polygon’ in Portable Viewer Fixed in Portable Server.
25954774 Implement swap and replace functions when publishing databases Fixed in GEE Server: to facilitate updates to existing published databases, geserveradmin supports --republish of databases which involves unpublishing an existing target, and publishing a new database on that same target while retaining its publish context i.e. virtual host, snippets, search services, WMS-serving. The --swaptargets option swaps the target path of two published databases along with their publish context. This makes it easy to test or revert databases in production environments. For more information, see geserveradmin usage.
26964919, 27346002 POI searches fail when servers deployed behind load-balancer Fixed in GEE Server: deprecate database ID (db_id), and modify POI search service to query poi_id based on target_path instead.
27689103 Large POI files break database push Fixed in Fusion: Split POI files in 1 GB parts.
28941507 Coordinate search doesn’t send search status to Federated search Fixed in GEE Server.
30189080 Security: High risk HTTPoxy vulnerability Fixed in GEE Server: block HTTP Proxy headers in Apache environment.
30512788 Publish fails when only supplementary search tabs are enabled Fixed in GEE Server.
30974078 Portable throws error with blank lines in portable.cfg Fixed in Portable Server.
31713095 Check for duplicate images in Asset Manager Fixed in Fusion: Imagery Resource file dialog checks for duplicates such that the same image cannot be added more than once.
32120563 Get postgreSQL port number from configuration file Fixed in GEE Server: custom port numbers for GEE’s postgres service should be specified in the files: /var/opt/google/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf and /opt/google/gehttpd/wsgi-bin/conf/ (The default port is 5432.)
32547956 Cutter fails if ‘rsync’ not present on system Fixed in GEE Server: gecutter is no longer dependent on ‘rsync’ utility.